For the price of an editor, work with a passion-driven team!


Editing Buddies is a team of skilled and passionate book editors.

Having worked with diverse writers over the years, we’ve come to understand the struggle that self-publishing authors face – a tight budget and a load of confusion on whether their baby is 100% ready to get out there.

We’ve decided to be a burden lifter. We’ll take care of all the editing needs, while you work on marketing and promotion.

Built with the foundation that more is better, you are getting your manuscript looked over by different sets of eyes for the price of one. We’re a sucker for perfection, so your document is getting several rounds of editing to ensure its flawlessness.



Copy editing

Making sure texts are written with the correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, terminology, syntax, and formatting. Ensures that the idea portrayed is clear and easy to understand, that statements are factually correct (most importantly in non-fiction) and there is consistency (capitalization, vocabulary, fonts, hyphenation, numerals, etc.).

Developmental editing

Looks at all the big-picture storytelling issues in the plot, characterization, story, structure, flow, and timeline. Also involves partial rewriting where necessary.


This is the final polish of your book before it is published, and includes correcting all spelling, punctuation, grammatical and typographical errors that appear within a document.


unique editors Unique

We are different from other editors out there! First, your document is being reviewed by a team of skilled editors. Then, you're getting the complete editing package. You won't need to choose a particular editing type, such as copy editing, for $xxx. No! Copy editing, developmental editing, and proofreading, all come in a single package.

No matter how much you think your book has already undergone a particular edit, another look won't hurt. We got you.

secure book editingConfidential

Under no circumstances do we disclose our clients' content to anyone, anywhere. You have full copyright of any material you release to us, and we guarantee that your baby is in safe hands with us.

fast book editing service Affordable and Available 24/7

You shouldn't break the bank on editing; no one should! There are other major money-demanding areas, such as marketing and promotion. Although a clean edit is invaluable, we give the best price in the market, and we work 24/7 around the clock.

We understand the importance of deadlines, which is why we work even on weekends, holidays, and at odd hours to ensure your documents are returned to you error-free and on time

 confidential book editors 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

What's better than getting your desired results is when we exceed your expectations. Have any feedback, special requirements, or revision? We're here to work with you till the end.

A bit of our portfolio